Who’s Aidan-XX? 

Laura Campbell
6 Min Read

Who’s Aidan-XX? Reading it backward might give you a hint. Italian singer songwriter, Nadia Lanfranconi started this spin off project to include any music she wrote that doesn’t fall into her usual Country-Americana genre. “Till The War is Over” is the first single coming out under this new alter ego persona and it possesses a more futuristic and ethereal tone, the video is self made due to the quarantine living and is definitely fitting for this strange 2020 year we’re all experiencing.

In her new  single ‘Till The War Is Over – AIDAN- XX’ Nadia Lanfranconi tells us in divine short order with a war cry  from a singer/songwriter who is on the verge of blasting through a brick wall with all of the immense power she’s wielding with that microphone in her hands, and in Till The War Is Over – AIDAN- XX , we’re forced to come along for the ride in what is my personal choice for breakout single of the year.

Nadia Lanfranconi is a name that you should get used to hearing if you’re keen on the Top 40, because not only does her latest song have her riding high and hard against the establish hierarchy of the Billboard Charts, but the potential content that she’s clearly teasing us with in this latest effort is too exciting to look away from.

Lanfranconi articulately describes the day turning to night and the transformation of personalities that come along with the darkness. We come alive with her, animalistic in our adventurous drive to get out and connect with the night, and the tension is going to keep building until we reach our goal, one way or another.

Her swaggering verse against co- production by Ben O’ Neill that tower over us like giants are hard to keep up with if you don’t have the constitution of a hardcore pop fan, but if you’re someone who appreciates the indulgence of good music, then this is right up your alley. This  temptress is so adept at distributing her textured vocal magic evenly across the track that one has to wonder if music is the only medium of art that she’s phenomenal at.

Artists like Nadia Lanfranconi are the reason that pop music never gets stale and constantly changes with the times that we live in. She keeps alive the relevancy of thick beats that shake the ground beneath us and invite us to leave our inhibitions where we found them and embrace all of the energy that the night has in store for us.

I cannot wait to hear what she has in store for us next, and with the year far from being over, I hope she shares at least a couple of more cuts from her forthcoming full length album that I can only imagine is already in the works as I write this article. We decided to catch up with Nadia Lanfranconi for a brief interview following the release..

What inspired you to get into music?
I was one of those kids who preferred listening to music than talking to people, luckily I can do both now. Music has always been my anchor, my safe island to run to, I can’t live without it.

How would you describe your music?
This particular song is different than anything I’ve put out before, has a modern sound and a moody soft vibe, that’s why I created a different name for it. I will use this new project to release new music that sounds different than my usual Singer/Songwriter tunes.

What would you say is your recording and song writing style?
I literally write anything I feel, as far as recording I like to team up with producers who I can resonate with, it’s important to create the final piece and be happy with it. It’s kind of like making a baby!

Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
My hope is to be able to continue what I’m doing, sharing music is one of the most beautiful gifts of the world, as I grow my music changes as we all do.

Where can music fans listen your music?
This song is available on any music outlets from Apple to Spotify and the video is on YouTube of course. I had to shoot it myself because of the quarantine and that was a challenge that turned into a very fun experience.

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