Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after 45 days in office

Laura Campbell
2 Min Read

In Liz we trust, I think not as Liz quits her role at just 45 days at the helm as Prime Minister.

Liz has always been a framed character from the start. It seemed to most that she was working from script fully knowing that she was to play her part in the entire movie that has become titled ‘The Demise of Britain’s Government. Off course, it is certainly clear that she had no mandate for her sudden changes of policy when she took charge. Nor did she have any authority for her U-turns, repeatedly changing the government’s fundamental stance on taxes and public spending. Her tenure has produced the lowest value of our currency against the dollar in recent times.

Announcing her resignation, Ms Truss said a new prime minister would be chosen within a week.This will be the third Conservative prime minister since the last general election in 2019.

At this stage, it seems the Conservative party is simply passing the torch to each member to have a taste of the run. It is time for voters to decide who should govern the country and uphold the democratic principles our governing bodies are built on. The only way forward is a general election.

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