Online fashion outlet partners with the National Reality TV Awards 2018

Laura Campbell
1 Min Read

Fashion Dollz Limited was founded in March 2015.  The Fashion Dollz is an online marketplace for designer brands as well as emerging independent designers. Each brand and collection is carefully selected from around the world, brands and key pieces that stay true to The Fashion Dollz personality. The typical doll is a fashionable woman between the ages of 20 and 40 (however there is no specific age range) who is social media savvy and has plenty of occasions to get dressed up and go out. She lives that slightly paradoxical lifestyle where eating healthy and going to yoga intersects with drinking cocktails and staying out late at the club.

The company looks at their dollz not as a demographic but as a mind-set – a lifestyle.  Fashion Dollz are creating a life long customer valued service by offering  shipping worldwide to the US, China, Dubai, Australia, France, Spain and many more countries across the globe.

For more details of Fashion  Dollz. Please, go to:

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