Norman Alexander releases “No Goodbyes”

Laura Campbell
3 Min Read

“No Goodbyes” is the debut release from Norman Alexander. The single was mastered by 3-time Grammy Award winner Randy Merrill and produced by Brian Sheil. So, with such big names already attached to the project, we had big expectations.

“Music’s greatest gift is its highest honor,” says Mike Jean, CEO of MLife Music Group, “A salve for souls.
‘No Goodbyes’ is a song for anyone who has ever lost someone. Humankind is suffering its darkest time in modern history. And ‘No Goodbyes’ gives our sorrow words.”  Words which ring so much truth being that we are in the middle of what has been a catastrophic pandemic.

This song is certainly steeped in adrenaline but chill-inducing in a way that is only possible when a sense of urgency finds no relief, the beats that power the backend of  Norman Alexander’s “No Goodbyes” making it much a cornerstone of the singer/songwriter’s construction of a narrative.

While March has been quite the groove-laden month for indie musicians around the world, “No Goodbyes” is easily one of this spring’s best debuts and a terrific way of getting to know its enigmatic creator.

Featuring Norman Alexander and American Ballet Theater’s Erica Lall & Carlos Gonzalez In Memoriam video is an experience of darkness and light. Of pain and power. Shot at the apex where the sea touches sky Alexander performs atop the edge of a precipice, styled by celebrity designer and stylist Henry Picado, filmed by Austin Hein Productions, and produced by MLife Music Group.

When asked about his debut release “No Goodbyes,” Alexander says, “It is important that we remember our loved ones just the way they were. We must never forget them, tell the world of the stories they left behind, and say their names so they echo through time.”  With a sound mind and determination to make the best quality music against all odds. I am excited to see what is in store for Alexander in the future especially when it comes to his music.

For more information on Norman Alexander… Follow the links below;…​

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