New single from Scott Howard hits all the right notes

Gary Williams
7 Min Read

Synthesized strands of melody rain down on us from above. As they make contact with our ears, their sharp tonality gives them a jagged finish that contrasts severely with their lush texture. Seductive singing wisps through the atmosphere around us like an icy winter breeze and cools off the heat that is starting to emanate from a rising bassline.

Beats spill into center stage alongside the urbane serenade of Scott Howard, whose confident demeanour spreads across everything in the instrumentation behind him and infects the underlying groove with its swagger. He’s in his element, putting out a virtuosic vision in the middle of an emerging sonic windstorm, and never showing even the slightest hesitance in his execution with the new release “The Language of the Clouds”. We managed to catch up with him for an interview..

What inspired you to get into music?
I’ve been writing music since way back when, but I feel that the timing of my first album, Ascended Man, was a synchronicity. I had lost my best friend….my son Maxx to drug addiction and depression. And in speaking to a friend after my son’s passing, I mentioned wishing to turn a career playing in Casinos into bringing my music to the world. Then, I had an awakening that put me on my path of bringing a new genre of music to the masses called SOURCE MUSIC which is music I perform in 432 Hz, helping to raise the frequency of the listener along with positive messaging.

Ascended Man was the beginning of my journey. I asked people to “Come with Me” and to “Awaken.” When Maxx passed, I spent months in my studio writing. My new EP The Language of Clouds reveals the next chapter in my spiritual journey. It is a short 4-song compilation EP.I am here (on earth) to shed light through my music…I am a lightworker. I wish to fulfill my lifelong mission as a light worker and healer by adjusting the frequencies of the 3D world transitioning to the 5D.

How would you describe your music?
My music reflects my life experiences which include both pain and loss, but most importantly LOVE. Throughout life we all have doubts about the important decisions we make: the way we raise our children, the way we interact with family members, major career moves, etc. With technology there has been ever-increasing momentum throughout industry and even the communication methodologies of basic interaction. The world today is far different from the world I grew up in. When my son passed away and I began searching for answers in my great devastation, I sat in my studio, in utter despair, and put all of the emotions I had into writing music and lyrics for Ascended Man. In those songs are my true love, my fear, my pain – literally my ascension, my awakening, is imbedded into the frequency of those songs. My recently released album, The Language of Clouds holds the next wave of my journey and brought me out of the life-stopping despair and into the seat of love.

The Language of Clouds features songs like, “Queen of Hearts,” and “Dreamer.” If you follow me on Patreon, we will be releasing The Ascension World Tour in 432 Hz which is an exclusive live performance of music off of both albums, including some really deep interviews and reflections.

What would you say is your recording and songwriting style?
I truly believe that we are all on individual journeys, but the path that connects us all is paved with both great highs and great lows which teach us to be better, to grow, to ascend. For me, it took looking at myself through another lens, a different perspective – to better understand the world around me and the changes that were taking place within.
I write music from my soul, from source, with all of my experiences and emotions behind the lyrics and notes. I spend countless hours – days at a time – in deep meditation, receiving inspirations that I then turn into songs. I enter the studio and do not leave until the work is done, until the music reflects exactly what I am trying to share with my listeners.

Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
My music evolves like my own DNA. I believe that as I learn more truth in my reality, my music will reflect my own growth and ascension. While my music can resonate with any positive interaction, my goal is to encourage deep personal growth and the awakening within my fans. I think if you start your journey with Ascended Man, The Language of Clouds next album will continue to usher you into your journey of truth.

As the music is heard throughout the world, my dreams also begin to manifest. If you learn to pray, you manifest. I believe, if my dream is to play Giza, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, The Mayan pyramids, our own Sedona, Red Rock. Serpent Mound … whatever is my dream will become my reality with faith. When I do play in these wonderful places in 432Hz, it will reverberate throughout the world.

Where can music fans listen your music?
My fans can connect with me through my website at, there you will have access to all my social media links, YouTube channel, and my music on all major digital streaming sites (Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, SoundCloud, and more.)

For more information, see below;

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