Brina Curum
3 Min Read

Historic Glasshouse and Greenhouse manufacturer Hartley Botanic is experiencing a renewed demand from homeowners in their beautiful, handmade Greenhouses during lockdown, as the benefit of being more self-sufficient and ‘growing your own’ is thrown sharply into focus. The Lancashire-based business, which has been operating since 1938, has experienced a c.35 percent increase in customers citing ‘growing their own’ as the primary reason they want to invest in a Glasshouse or Greenhouse since lockdown, with customers saying they ‘never want to be caught out like this again.’ To meet the growing demand of homeowners desperate for a Hartley Botanic, the manufacturer has launched same-day ‘virtual home visits’ to help speed-up the planning of customer orders and prevent a backlog once production starts again.

In normal times, Hartley Botanic finds that somewhere between 10 and 15 percent of customers cite growing their own as the primary reason for buying a Glasshouse of Greenhouse, but since lockdown, this has increased substantially. More customers than ever are purchasing a Greenhouse with becoming self-sufficient being the primary driver. In addition, a number Hartley Botanic customers who already own a Greenhouse, are making use of their beautiful garden structure as an alternative space to while away the hours.

Tom Barry, Managing Director of Hartley Botanic said; “It is probably decades since we have seen such an interest in growing your own and becoming more self-sufficient amongst those interested in our Greenhouses. The current experience is clearly changing consumers’ thinking, approach and priorities. Being able to produce your own food taps into the most basic of human needs. Ultimately, for many people ‘growing their own’ is the right choice for their own health and wellbeing, allowing them to feel more secure.”

To help deal with increased lockdown demand, the manufacturer has launched same-day ‘virtual home visits.’ The new service will allow the Greenhouse experts at Hartley Botanic to view homeowners’ gardens remotely – providing advice on Greenhouse location and important considerations when it comes to installation and maintenance. Hartley Botanic will have the ability to visit homeowners in their gardens on the same day, speeding up the ordering process.

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