From 500 Miles to 1,000,000 Meals

Laura Campbell
3 Min Read

We all know the famous 500 miles song by The Proclaimers, that everyone knows the words to and enjoys singing along with! But have you heard the One Million Meals version yet?

They areĀ  excited to announce the drive exposure for the fantastic work One Million Meals are doing, The Proclaimers have kindly let them borrow their song and rewrite the lyrics to bring to life the efforts to keep our key workers fed during this difficult time. Performed by popular 80’s band Friends of Gavin, and with the help of TLC Marketing – all of whom gave their time, skills and musical talents for free, they hope to create a huge buzz around the cause and of course raise lots of money.

One Million Meals, are a non-profit organisation with the huge goal of feeding frontline and NHS workers with (you guessed it!) one million warm, tasty and nutritious meals. Much more appealing than a packet of crisps from the vending machine! However, as demand increases, they are being forced to refuse hospital requests for hot meals and need your help to continue what they are doing and keep our everyday heroes full.

One Million Meals are a small team of volunteers and social entrepreneurs working to deliver this ambitious project through the help of fundraising as well as the help of brands such as Yakult, Belvoir, Biotiful and Innocent donating their products. The delivery of those precious meals is possible via restaurant partners signing up to their platform as a supplier. Hospitals can also sign up directly to the platform to start receiving meals from their local restaurants.

Donations are crucial for sustaining this operation and ensuring they can meet the growing demand from hospitals and workers. As the demand for hot meals is exceeding supply, we are encouraging everyone to donate to One Million Meals however you can – through volunteering, product, fundraising or donations.

This can be done via the website or by getting in touch with the wonderful team directly

Quite rightly they have already received a huge amount of press coverage in the UK and support from some familiar names, like David Beckham and Amir Khan. But we need to do more!

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