Evin turns a distraction from what would have been a hard time into positive

Laura Campbell
7 Min Read

 Evin Gibson is an award-winning singer, songwriter, model, and actor with an energetic and mellow vibe. With his smooth vocal stylings, he fuses Pop with R&B and soul. He has worked with many noted artists throughout the years and has toured the world performing original and classic gems. His plan is to endlessly make timeless and clean music. Currently, Evin has signed with SANS entertainment to release new projects.

Evin’s new single W.Y.W (What You Want/Right Here) bubbles with immense stylishness and an unwavering, confident sense of identity. The polished nature of this recording never strikes me as being overwrought or false but, instead, a natural outgrowth of the singer’s assurance with the material and his comfort level with the musicians.

Indeed, Evin’s surrounded with a crew of musicians who obviously agree with the long held idea that the notes you don’t play matter far more than those you do and his instincts for taking this song on elevate the overall result several more notches in my esteem.

There’s definitely nothing particularly earth shattering here – we’ve heard this subject broached in countless pop songs, naturally – but what is earth shaking, instead, is how Evin takes the familiar and revitalizes it for his audience through the sheer force of skill and personality. He’s a rare interpreter and creative force who can make great art out of pouring old wine into new bottles and that’s clear in every second of W.Y.W (What You Want/Right Here) .

It’s truly invigorating to hear a modern performer take on a classic style that’s fallen out of favor and restore it to some form of relevance. The swing pace of W.Y.W (What You Want/Right Here) is carried off by the musicians and Evin’s vocals with exceptional skill and there doesn’t seem to be a single moment during the recording when either Evin or his collaborators seem uncertain or hesitant about what they should do.

Instead, everything comes off with great naturalness and consideration – the acoustic guitar, in particular, mixes strong chord work with glittering melodic, almost lyrical, passages. The chorus is the song’s unquestioned musical high point and  the transition into those moments with a seamlessness that’s quite satisfying to hear and handled with immense skill. At a little over three minutes in length, Evin and his creative partners keep the track digestible without ever taking any sort of shortcuts to win over potential listeners.

His vocal is a model of that approach. Much of his effort focuses on filling the song with the needed emotion and technique and his ability to keep these often opposing elements in full harmony is one of the great strengths of W.Y.W (What You Want/Right Here). These are basic human emotions that the song explores, emotions virtually any adult has experienced in their lives, and Evin gets inside the reality of such moments with a steady hand and a definite sense of something at stake with the recording and lyrics alike.

His phrasing is powerful without ever being too theatrical and, like all great musicians,  Evin never oversings and his unwillingness to waste even a syllable’s worth of breath in self indulgence makes this an even more memorable track.

We decided to catch up with Evin for an interview..

What inspired you to get into music?
As a child, I loved watching all the greats perform and sing. Creating music was also a passion that I developed as an escape from things that went on in my world. Music became kind of a distraction from what could have been a hard time for me. Then, as I noticed the effect that my music had on people it sealed the deal for me.

How would you describe your music?
I think my music is a perfect blend of R&B, pop, and sprinkles of soul. It has a unique sound to it that blends clean and sometimes edgy lyrics with various melodies. I like to say it’s a smooth vibe with layers. I think it’s relatable music. It’s not too far out there but its far enough to be heard in a good place.

What would you say is your recording and song writing style?
I think I love to write about real life love and situations but with some heartbreak at times. Overall, I love feel good styles but I do like to write about experiences that make you stronger at the end of the day. I often start with the idea of what I want to write about and then build it into a complete song. I love to work with others because it adds unique layers to what I create as well.

 Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
In five years I would love to be continuing to make music that have substances. I would love to be an inspiration to upcoming artists and be able to help light the way for them. In 5 years I’d hope to have reached many more with my work and touch many lives.

Where can music fans listen your music?
My website evingibson.com have links to all my social media sites




Here are the links to download W.Y.W (What You Want/Right Here) :
Apple Music

Amazon Music


Google Play


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