Entrepreneur launches Teen Republic campaign to get Teens into Business

Laura Campbell
3 Min Read
This month sees successful British entrepreneur , Jordan Kensington launch a project to empower, engage and get teenagers into business. Teen Republic which is aimed at 15-18 year olds who are keen on getting into entrepreneurship. The 3 week weekend workshop will take place at Kensington’s Kings Cross offices and successful candidates with the best business plans will recieve funding, mentorship and marketing across all Kensington’s businesses. “As someone who started a business at age 18, i completely understand the power of mentorship, guidance and support needed for young people especially ones who come from typically poorer neighbourhoods or ethnic minority communities. Teen Republic aims to build a community of teen entrepreneurs who will change the landscape of entrepreneurship in the UK and worldwide. Our Teenagers are the future and they must be supported by us”.

What’s involved in Teen Republic?

From training and mentoring support to funding and resources, Teen Republic aims to help young teenagers become the best entrepreneur they can be. The free Teen Republic programme is broken down into three stages and takes place in the weekend.

Stage 1: Info session

Teen Republic kicks off with a free online video workshop which is aimed at discussing the programme and steps on launching into the business world.

Stage 2: Workshop

Over three weeks applicants get to meet other like-minded people and get a chance to tap into Jordan Kensington and business advisors from the Teen Republic mentoring team, covering everything from business planning and marketing to sales, budgeting and tax.

Stage 3: Build your business

After the workshop it’s time to start building your business. The organisation provides a mentor to support the teens as they plan and test their ideas.

Stage 4: Launch

Before launch, all teens will get a chance to present their business plan to The Teen Republic commitee. Their job is to ensure their ideas are viable and sustainable. October sees the launch of the campaign with an an appeal for applicants nationwide to apply and the official website www.teenrepublic.org launches on the 27th of November 2019 with a launch event taking place in London.

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