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Monkeys born to suffer at major research facility

Ahead of International Primate Day on 1 September, Animal Defenders International (ADI)

Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

Is May looking for new revenue sources in Africa?

Theresa May is preparing to visit Africa for the first time since

Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

Successful night at the Global African Business Awards 2018

Winners for the inaugural Global African Business Awards 2018 announced at the

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Jas, a singer songwriter from London has been surrounded by music for her

NewsTeam NewsTeam

Malta Sponsors National Film Awards UK as the Official Travel Destination

The Malta Tourism Authority was delighted to be a part of the

Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

New Law suit suggests electrical failures led to Flight 370 crash

Gone but not forgotten. The mystery of what happened to Malaysia Airlines

Laura Campbell Laura Campbell

Wikileaks strikes again revealing CIA hacking tools

Wikileaks has published details of alleged hacking tools used by the CIA.

Laura Campbell Laura Campbell