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Theresa May says no deal better than bad deal..

Theresa May held talks at the scenic Austrian city of Salzburg this…

Laura Campbell

Is May looking for new revenue sources in Africa?

Theresa May is preparing to visit Africa for the first time since…

Laura Campbell

John McCain gone but not forgotten

John Sidney McCain III (August 29, 1936 – August 25, 2018) was…

Laura Campbell

The 2017 Budget branded a ‘Disgrace’ as Tories turn their back on voting pledge

Jeremy Corbyn has branded budget 2017 as 'complacent and 'out of touch'.…

Laura Campbell

Wikileaks strikes again revealing CIA hacking tools

Wikileaks has published details of alleged hacking tools used by the CIA.…

Laura Campbell

NHS protest in London: Thousands march against ‘hospital cuts’

Thousands of people - including NHS workers, union representatives today marched in…

Laura Campbell

Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson to visit Russia for talks

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is to visit Moscow in coming weeks, the…

Laura Campbell

Obama denies claims he tapped Trump’s phone

Obama has been out of the presidential office for a while but…

Laura Campbell

Going After Michele Bachmann Ahead Of 2012 Has Its Risks

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- For Michele Bachmann, the laugh line doubled as…

Laura Campbell

Minnesota Shutdown Sees Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton and top Republicans struck a deal Thursday to…

Laura Campbell