Anzi talks music and where she gets her inspiration…

Gary Williams
3 Min Read

Introducing  Anzi who started singing at age four. She started performing for herself and her family. With a background in psychology, this free spirit is on her way to sharing her talents with the world. Anzi is a passionate person who loves to sing and write. You can find her music everywhere from YouTube to iTunes and Amazon!  So, we decided to catch up with Anzi for an interview to find out how past, present, and future!!

What inspired you to get into music?
Music came to me naturally at a young age. I’ve been told that I was singing as early as I could speak. I do remember learning in kindergarten that there was a choir at my school and I asked my parents to enroll me and it went off from there. From then on, I was lucky that different music teachers took me under their wing and told me about different singing opportunities that later opened some doors. Although singing comes to me more easily, I started writing songs when I was about 12 but I didn’t share any of the music I wrote until I was about 24 years old.

How would you describe your music?
It has definitely evolved with time. At the beginning of my career, I would describe my songs as catchy, melodic, and more innocent. It has now built up to something a bit edgier with more raw emotion and interesting lyrics.

What would you say is your recording and songwriting style?
I usually share what kind of style of music I am looking to record and then the producer pitches different ideas of melodies. I’ll then give my feedback and once we have that down, I will start writing the lyrics. It’s not until the song is almost 100% complete that I go into the studio. In the studio, I do like to improvise a bit and add some things here and there but that’s only after the meat of the song has been recorded successfully.

Where would you like to see your music career in 5 years time?
Honestly, I would love to have one of my songs playing on the radio. I can’t imagine how cool it must feel to be able to have your song shared with people around the nation.

Where can music fans listen to your music?
Fans can listen to Anzi on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube!

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