86% of Brits have asserted that thermostat arguments have led to bigger issues in their relationship!

Laura Campbell
4 Min Read

86% of Brits have asserted that thermostat arguments have led to bigger issues in their relationship!
60% of men initiate the argument about the heating, compared to only 51% of women giving their
partner the cold shoulder.

48% of respondents claimed that the most recurring argument about heating was over the cost of
energy bills!

69% of Brits will immediately turn the heating on or when they feel a chill. With the big freeze forecast for this coming weekend in the UK, the need to feel cosy and warm indoors is paramount. However, with it comes to the age-old argument over the thermostat.
With this in mind, HeatingForce.co.uk were interested to find out how often UK couples argue about the
thermostat. To accomplish this, Heating Force surveyed 2,842 people from popular cities across the UK to seek
out the answer – and to find out to what extent couples bicker over the temperature!
48% of Brits argue over the cost of energy bills!
Heating Force was keen to explore the impact keeping the temperature hot or cold has on
couples. 62% of respondents admitted that they have argued with a partner over the temperature. With 72% revealing that they argue, on average, 6 times over the winter. 60% of men initiate the argument about the heating, compared to only 51% of women giving their partner the cold shoulder.
As expected, 48% of respondents claimed that the most recurring argument about heating was over the cost of energy bills! Shockingly, taking into consideration the stereotypical UK weather, 30% of Brits claim to have argued against turning the heating on because they’re already too hot.

In a bid to avoid arguments altogether a whopping 75% of Brits admit to changing the temperature behind
their partners’ backs! Not only do they admit to having done the act, but 43% then go on to declare that they change it all the time!
86% of Brits have asserted that these arguments have led to bigger issues in their relationship!
UK cities who brave the cold

Birmingham is the least likely city to turn their heating on with 52% avoiding the thermostat and 74%
of people keeping an average temperature of just 18 ◦ c.

 In a second, Nottingham with 71% of people preferring average temperatures of 19.4 ◦ c.
 Closely followed by Derby with 64% at 20 ◦ c and Worcester with 62% at 21 ◦ c.
 Closing the ‘coldest’ top five is Leicester with an average heating temperature of 21.2 ◦ c.
 At the other end of the thermostat, Newcastle roasting at a toasty 25 ◦c or above! ​
For Immediate Release
 Edinburgh wasn’t too far off, with residents feeling most comfortable with 24.6◦ c.
Fighting to keep warm
After trawling through the responses, Heating Force can share what the top three go-to’s to keep warm in the
UK are:
 69% of Brits will immediately turn the heating on or up when they feel a chill.
 Wrapping up in extra layers – The slightly more cost-efficient method chosen by 58% of people to get
that cosy feeling indoors.
 Make a hot drink

– 33% of Brits will initially make a hot beverage before approaching the thermostat!

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